For Employers

How to Measure the Performance of a Blended Workforce

The success of the blended workforce shines, just like any other work scheme, through proper organization and management

3 years ago

How to protect your business from the cybersecurity threat of Log4j

The exploitation of a bug discovered in a widely used logging software could see hackers log into a company’s servers…

3 years ago

Women Leaders Are More Likely to Embrace Change, Flexibility & Agile Management – Here’s Why

Qualities like empathy, flexibility, and self-awareness make women extremely well-suited for leadership position, especially in times when leaders need to…

3 years ago

Step-by-step guide: How to become an agile business

Agile management is a true-to-form solution that has helped countless businesses in recent years take tremendous strides in their productivity…

3 years ago

5 Reasons You Need to Hire Freelance Data Scientists, Sooner Rather Than Later

Data has become the #1 priority on most businesses’ agendas due to the value of the input it provides. But…

3 years ago

Why Is Hiring Becoming More Difficult in 2021- & How Can You Overcome the “Talent Drought”?

"The Great Resignation" has led to an acute talent shortage the world over. Here's how your business can still hire…

3 years ago

Burnout: A Big Risk for Businesses in 2021 (And the Way to Beat It)

An occupational phenomenon with far-reaching consequences, burnout has a huge - seemingly invisible - impact on businesses that not many…

3 years ago

Building a Talent Pipeline: A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide

In the current turbulent hiring landscape, it is no longer prudent to seek out candidates when a position is made…

3 years ago

5 Tell-tale Signs Your Company Needs to Outsource Recruitment Now

In this digital age, where companies are acquiring talent across borders, maintaining in-house recruitment can quickly become an arduous and…

3 years ago

How to Remove Unconscious Bias From Your Hiring Process

Hiring biases can prevent you from scoring the best talent for your skill gaps. But there are actionable steps you…

3 years ago