Microsoft Allows Employees to Work From Home PermanentlyMicrosoft Allows Employees to Work From Home Permanently

Microsoft Allows Employees to Work From Home Permanently

As most employees continue to work remotely due to the pandemic, Microsoft is restructuring its operations to include a "hybrid…

4 years ago
Freelancing in Developing Economies: 4 Ways It Can HelpFreelancing in Developing Economies: 4 Ways It Can Help

Freelancing in Developing Economies: 4 Ways It Can Help

Freelancing offers an unexpendable opportunity for developing economies to battle issues like unemployment, gender wage gaps, and poverty.

4 years ago
Making a Case for Remote Work: Notes From a Fully Remote CEOMaking a Case for Remote Work: Notes From a Fully Remote CEO

Making a Case for Remote Work: Notes From a Fully Remote CEO

Ever since COVID-19 came and countries went into lockdown, companies have been forced to work remotely - many for the…

4 years ago
كيف يمكن للقوى العاملة المستقلة تسريع وتيرة نمو الأعمالكيف يمكن للقوى العاملة المستقلة تسريع وتيرة نمو الأعمال

كيف يمكن للقوى العاملة المستقلة تسريع وتيرة نمو الأعمال

كيف يمكنك تسريع وتيرة نموك في حال تعرضك لأزمة عالمية؟ تعيين المستقلين المتخصصين تعد إحدى الإستراتيجيات الأكثر نجاحاً والتي يتم…

5 years ago