Why Every Entrepreneur Should also be a Marketer
Entrepreneurs and marketing have a lot in common, for starters, both have the consumer as their focal point.
Entrepreneurs and marketing have a lot in common, for starters, both have the consumer as their focal point.
Managing work, children, and life under quarantine
To help break the silence of Quarantine, Ureed.com has compiled a list of playlists on Spotify to help boost your productivity while working from home.
“Hmm, how do I knock down the old ‘5 years of experience’ barrier when I’ve only just graduated?” is something you might be wondering to yourself. As soon as you start thinking that you nailed a job interview, you get the dreaded email, you know the one, we’ve all gotten them, “…we’re sorry, we’re looking for someone with more experience”. But if they never hire you, you’ll never get experience, it’s this nightmare-ish Catch 22. So if you still think that it’s all sweet and dandy, that jobs are ripe for the picking when you’re fresh off the campus life, think again.
Ureed.com, the top online platform in MENA connecting freelancers with job opportunities in over 200 countries, announces its partnership with the non-profit organization Ruwwad. Through
As a freelancer, engaging with content from other freelancers can be a great pick-me-up when you need motivation, help you make the most of your career and open you up to new opportunities as you learn what others do differently and draw lessons from their journeys.
The success of the blended workforce shines, just like any other work scheme, through proper organization and management
The exploitation of a bug discovered in a widely used logging software could see hackers log into a company’s servers and take control of anything from consumer data and web servers to industrial control systems – but there are ways to protect your data from the threat.