DOs and DON’Ts Of Marketing In the Age Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
There is a socially constructed code of conduct that marketers are currently expected to follow—and the following are the most important items on that list.
There is a socially constructed code of conduct that marketers are currently expected to follow—and the following are the most important items on that list.
Marketers must pay attention to the TikTok wave or they will risk losing out on many social media marketing advantages.
According to the most recent statistics, there are 330 million monthly active users on Twitter. This means that with 280 characters, you can market your business to a large audience. Writing on Twitter affords you the opportunity to capture your customers’ attention and increase your impact. If you’re trying to take your Twitter marketing and branding game to the next level, read our simple guide for writing on Twitter.
How many times have you come across content so long that you decided to skip without even skimming through it? If you can relate, then you probably experienced TL;DR; which stands for “too long; didn’t read.” The seemingly ubiquitous acronym almost defines itself–the entire phrase is rarely used, with preference given to the abbreviated four-letter form.
It’s not news that the most successful brands have presences on social media. While it may have once seemed somewhat tawdry and plebian to conduct a serious ad campaign on the same platforms that people use for bathroom selfies, political rants, and cat updates, the game has changed
With thousands upon thousands of brands trying to reach an audience on a daily basis, how do you choose the one that really speaks to you? Is it based on their products? The tone of voice they use and their overall branding? Their product descriptions? Is it their look? Or, is it based solely on your needs?
Not many people understand the power and benefits of blogging. It’s true that a few years ago there weren’t that many bloggers to begin with, at some point in time they didn’t even exist. However, in today’s world, there are millions of blogs that were established either by companies, big or small, or average people looking for a way to express themselves online.
The year is 2018, and marketing strategies are shifting more and more towards the digital world. Yet, the challenge remains the same; to keep up with the latest techniques and trends in Marketing that help businesses grow. The digital marketing scene is full of names that claim to help you grow your network, attract leads of sales and increase brand awareness. However, there’s only few big names out there that hold the secrets and the right recipes for success. These influential people are game changers with their ground-breaking marketing tactics and genius methods that take you from identifying the right profiles to target to creating a magnet that attracts them to your service or product.
The following names are currently the leaders of digital marketing and are by far the most influential people in marketing that you should follow.
Ureed.com, the top online platform in MENA connecting freelancers with job opportunities in over 200 countries, announces its partnership with the non-profit organization Ruwwad. Through
As a freelancer, engaging with content from other freelancers can be a great pick-me-up when you need motivation, help you make the most of your career and open you up to new opportunities as you learn what others do differently and draw lessons from their journeys.
The success of the blended workforce shines, just like any other work scheme, through proper organization and management
The exploitation of a bug discovered in a widely used logging software could see hackers log into a company’s servers and take control of anything from consumer data and web servers to industrial control systems – but there are ways to protect your data from the threat.