freelance partners with community development organization Ruwwad to provide unemployed youth with access to freelance opportunities, the top online platform in MENA connecting freelancers with job opportunities in over 200 countries, announces its partnership with…

2 years ago

10 Must-Listen Podcasts About Freelancing

As a freelancer, engaging with content from other freelancers can be a great pick-me-up when you need motivation, help you…

2 years ago

Thinking of Quitting Your Day Job? Here’s How to Do it Without Losing Time or Money

Quitting your job can be a scary affair, and a decision as important as this requires a plan to cushion…

3 years ago

Traditional Banks Have Failed Independent Workers. But Fintech Offers a Glimmer of Hope.

Banks have had a hard time keeping up with the rapid growth of the gig economy. This has created a…

3 years ago

What Would Happen If the Whole World Went Freelance?

Imagine a world where the benefits of freelancing are experienced universally. Where we all get to set our own schedules,…

3 years ago

What You Need to Know About Leading a Team of Freelancers

When leading a team of freelancers it is important to keep a good level of organization, communication, and to work…

3 years ago

How to Take Care of Your Mental Health as a Freelancer

While freelancing provides freelancers with flexible work hours, no commute time, and the freedom to choose the projects and clients…

3 years ago

The Ultimate Summer Guide to Freelancing

Freelancing has a lot of perks, and one of the best perks is the fact that one can work alongside…

3 years ago

What is The Great Resignation, and How Can Employers Deal with it?

One of the unprecedented impacts of the pandemic has been the mass exit by employees from their regular jobs to…

3 years ago

How Freelancing Can Keep Your Spark Alive After Retirement

Some people cannot afford to retire at 65, or choose to continue working because they can’t bear to be idle…

3 years ago