38% of Middle Eastern Professionals Prefer Working From Home Full-Time
A survey in the Middle East by a global recruitment consultancy showed that 38% of professionals in the region want work from home policies to be permanently implemented.
A survey in the Middle East by a global recruitment consultancy showed that 38% of professionals in the region want work from home policies to be permanently implemented.
A survey in the Middle East by a global recruitment consultancy showed that 38% of professionals in the region want work from home policies to be permanently implemented, citing better productivity, improved flexibility, and financial benefits.
Writing for a living seemed like a far-off dream to me when I was deep in the corporate world. Freelancing platform Ureed.com made it a reality.
SEO helps you rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing. If you have a good strategy in place, every time a user looks up something related to the field you are in on the internet, your website appears at the top of their search results.
This analytical tool from Minim assesses the preparedness of businesses to manage, support, and empower their remote workforce.
Workplace diversity is not only essential for the fight towards gender equality; it’s also imperative for the success of any business.
Aside from the increase in hourly rates, several other factors have led to the staggering rate at which the gig economy is burgeoning.
If you’re frustrated about your lack of inspiration for your client’s next marketing campaign, here are a few ways to refresh & recharge.
The COVID-19 vaccine could bring a number of positive outcomes for the running of businesses. More importantly, it could prevent more deaths & alleviate the anxiety that has become synonymous with the virus.
$12 billion were spent on affiliate marketing alone globally in 2020, indicating that performance marketing as a strategy is bound to take 2021 by storm.
Ureed.com, the top online platform in MENA connecting freelancers with job opportunities in over 200 countries, announces its partnership with the non-profit organization Ruwwad. Through
As a freelancer, engaging with content from other freelancers can be a great pick-me-up when you need motivation, help you make the most of your career and open you up to new opportunities as you learn what others do differently and draw lessons from their journeys.
The success of the blended workforce shines, just like any other work scheme, through proper organization and management
The exploitation of a bug discovered in a widely used logging software could see hackers log into a company’s servers and take control of anything from consumer data and web servers to industrial control systems – but there are ways to protect your data from the threat.