ما هي كتابة المحتوى؟
في كتابة المحتوى، يبدع الكاتب ويُظهر موهبته ومهاراته في اختيار الكلمات ويعتمد في ذلك على المعلومات التي يمتلكها ليقدم في النهاية نصًا يجذب المتلقي.
في كتابة المحتوى، يبدع الكاتب ويُظهر موهبته ومهاراته في اختيار الكلمات ويعتمد في ذلك على المعلومات التي يمتلكها ليقدم في النهاية نصًا يجذب المتلقي.
It’s not news that the most successful brands have presences on social media. While it may have once seemed somewhat tawdry and plebian to conduct a serious ad campaign on the same platforms that people use for bathroom selfies, political rants, and cat updates, the game has changed
Waiting in line for your coffee; sitting at a table when a lull in conversation occurs; stuck at a seemingly interminable traffic light (shame on you!); as a distraction or reward after dealing with a difficult client at work; the list goes on, and on, and on. We’re always checking our Facebook, scrolling through our Instagram feeds, Snapchatting mundane occurrences, and texting. Even for less frivolous pursuits, our lives are inextricably tied to technology. Meetings are arranged, spreadsheets consulted, presentations delivered, video conferences conducted, and documents scanned on phones, laptops, and iPads. For all intents and purposes, one or more of these devices are necessities of the modern world.
Your business is like your child—well, not quite as important, but there are definite parallels. After you conceive an idea, you spend months nurturing it, and then introduce it to the world. Time and money are poured into helping it grow and thrive, all in the hopes that one day it will be strong enough to function without constant intervention on your part. Perhaps, then, it’s no surprise that many aspiring entrepreneurs are hesitant to delegate responsibilities to those outside of their immediate work circles.
Every journalist or writer who isn’t living in a bubble has inevitably come across a foreign name for a person, place, food, custom, or cultural concept that must be translated or transliterated into the target language. Often, it’s difficult to decide whether to leave the word in its source language and/or script, to transliterate it to fit (as closely as possible) the phonemes and letters of the target language and its script, or to translate it. Here’s an informal guide to the ins and outs of each of these methods.
No list of “fun English words” would be complete without a history lesson. Modern English is a mosaic, having absorbed linguistic elements from several different sources over the course of hundreds of years.
ربما شاهدت أفلام خيال علمي مثل فيلم “Ex Machina” وبدأت تتخيل وتحلم بأن الذكاء الاصطناعي تغلب على البشرية، وجاءت نهاية العالم على يد الروبوتات. وقد يكون هناك ممن حولك أخبرك بشغفٍ أن هذه مجرد أوهام، وأن هذا من المستحيل أن يحدث، ولكن ماذا لو قررت كائنات فضائية غزو كوكب الأرض عبر إرسال آلات فائقة الذكاء؟ يبدو هذا أمراً مستبعداً، ولكنه بالضبط ما يحدث في “NieR: Automata”!
With thousands upon thousands of brands trying to reach an audience on a daily basis, how do you choose the one that really speaks to you? Is it based on their products? The tone of voice they use and their overall branding? Their product descriptions? Is it their look? Or, is it based solely on your needs?
Distractions are inevitable, and unavoidable to say the least, with whatever we do.
The solution to these distractions are simple, but as human beings we welcome them with open arms for as long as we can, because we enjoy procrastinating and avoiding work and whatever brings us stress, don’t you agree?
You know the feeling you get when you’re enjoying a cup of coffee, blissfully unaware of the heavy to do list that is just about to hit you? And then suddenly, like something heavy just landed on your head, you rush to finish your cup of coffee, grab a pen and paper and starting listing out the items you need to complete. The ideas swirling in your head are now resting on a piece of paper instead.
Ureed.com, the top online platform in MENA connecting freelancers with job opportunities in over 200 countries, announces its partnership with the non-profit organization Ruwwad. Through
As a freelancer, engaging with content from other freelancers can be a great pick-me-up when you need motivation, help you make the most of your career and open you up to new opportunities as you learn what others do differently and draw lessons from their journeys.
The success of the blended workforce shines, just like any other work scheme, through proper organization and management
The exploitation of a bug discovered in a widely used logging software could see hackers log into a company’s servers and take control of anything from consumer data and web servers to industrial control systems – but there are ways to protect your data from the threat.