أنواع كتابة المحتوى
تُعدّ كتابة المحتوى أحد أنواع الكتابة الإبداعية التي تعتمد على موهبة المؤلف الفطرية ومهاراته المكتسبة والمعلومات التي يمتلكها مجتمعًة لتشكّل الاستجابة النهائية لدى القارئ.
تُعدّ كتابة المحتوى أحد أنواع الكتابة الإبداعية التي تعتمد على موهبة المؤلف الفطرية ومهاراته المكتسبة والمعلومات التي يمتلكها مجتمعًة لتشكّل الاستجابة النهائية لدى القارئ.
في كتابة المحتوى، يبدع الكاتب ويُظهر موهبته ومهاراته في اختيار الكلمات ويعتمد في ذلك على المعلومات التي يمتلكها ليقدم في النهاية نصًا يجذب المتلقي.
Sometimes, all you need are a few tools to take your writing to the next level. Grammar, flow, and formatting mistakes are like ghouls lurking within the pages. They pop out and shock the unsuspecting reader, distracting him or her from the important idea you’re trying to convey. Luckily, there are several handy weapons you can use to vanquish these ghouls.
As we all know, a growing number of writers rely heavily on freelancing nowadays. Many are motivated by the promise of supplemental income, but most are also attracted to the flexibility freelancing offers. Flexibility is often accompanied by mobility. If you’re someone who loves to travel, or if you’re a travel blogger, then freelancing is your best strategy for maintaining a steady income. More and more millennials are trying to be “digital nomads” for a living.
Waiting in line for your coffee; sitting at a table when a lull in conversation occurs; stuck at a seemingly interminable traffic light (shame on you!); as a distraction or reward after dealing with a difficult client at work; the list goes on, and on, and on. We’re always checking our Facebook, scrolling through our Instagram feeds, Snapchatting mundane occurrences, and texting. Even for less frivolous pursuits, our lives are inextricably tied to technology. Meetings are arranged, spreadsheets consulted, presentations delivered, video conferences conducted, and documents scanned on phones, laptops, and iPads. For all intents and purposes, one or more of these devices are necessities of the modern world.
“Your cousin is a doctor, and just look at how nice her life is! She has a big house, sends her kids to the best school in the city, and can afford nice vacations. You can’t do that if you’re a writer.”
It’s not fair, but it’s reality: to excel in many workplaces, you need to have some command of English. Most young professionals aren’t starting from scratch, given that some amount of English education is now required in most parts of the world. Still, maybe you slept through class, or perhaps it has been so long since you’ve used or studied it that you’ve lost much of your former prowess in the language. When quizzed, all you can come up with are simple verbs like “love,” “eat,” and “drink,” and basic nouns like “tacos” and “coffee” (if so, you picked good words to remember).
Every journalist or writer who isn’t living in a bubble has inevitably come across a foreign name for a person, place, food, custom, or cultural concept that must be translated or transliterated into the target language. Often, it’s difficult to decide whether to leave the word in its source language and/or script, to transliterate it to fit (as closely as possible) the phonemes and letters of the target language and its script, or to translate it. Here’s an informal guide to the ins and outs of each of these methods.
No list of “fun English words” would be complete without a history lesson. Modern English is a mosaic, having absorbed linguistic elements from several different sources over the course of hundreds of years.
“Cantonese is the hardest language to learn—it has nine tones!”
“Arabic has the most complex grammar of all.”
Ureed.com, the top online platform in MENA connecting freelancers with job opportunities in over 200 countries, announces its partnership with the non-profit organization Ruwwad. Through
As a freelancer, engaging with content from other freelancers can be a great pick-me-up when you need motivation, help you make the most of your career and open you up to new opportunities as you learn what others do differently and draw lessons from their journeys.
The success of the blended workforce shines, just like any other work scheme, through proper organization and management
The exploitation of a bug discovered in a widely used logging software could see hackers log into a company’s servers and take control of anything from consumer data and web servers to industrial control systems – but there are ways to protect your data from the threat.